Half man, half wolf. LANDWOLF, a Matt Furie creation unlike any that came before. He’s just a cool dude who loves to hang out with his friends, eat pizza, and play video games. Watch out for the full moon: that’s when Landwolf transforms into a party animal, roaming the streets looking for adventure.
As Matt continued to draw Landwolf, he realized that this character was truly something special. He is featured on the first page of the iconic comic series, “Boy’s Club,” alongside the other memorable characters Pepe, Andy, and Brett.

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want—don’t overthink it
Smash that “buy” button
like it owes you money.

Yo... Pepe, Andy, Brett? Those guys? Legends, man. We’re tight. But me? I’m L-Landwolf, baby!! Half man... half wolf... all party. I mean, I’m the BEST—pizza, video games, full moon, PARTY—BOOM! That’s how we roll together.

Pure badass art
inspired by the legend himself
Get in here and see
what all the howl’s about!
Pure badass art
inspired by the legend himself

Get in here and see
what all the howl’s about!